statement ppl showroom MaMA


➨ From the scale of living bodies, to landmasses, and even on a planetary one – our world is saturated with processes and relations that are exhausting. This exhaustion is consequential; we glamorise producing but overlook the exhaustion and even fatigue that might follow it. The social and political pressure on maintaining a constant production comes at a price: perpetual work, overproduction, and as a result, consuming precarious bodies and other planetary resources.

➧ In addition to this perpetual exhaustion as a result of (over)productivity, exhaustion comes as a consequence of unjust sociopolitical and economic orders that prioritise it. It is for these reasons that ideas and practices of ‘comfort’ are crucial in imagining a different future world. We feel the need to investigate comfort in a way that goes beyond constructed and capitalist ideas; comfort is more than just the process of rejuvenation for the purpose of maintaining a certain level of productivity. Therefore, imagining other conceptions of comfort means imagining different sociopolitical orders and ways of performing in the world; it is a practice with political urgency.

➠ Both exhaustion and ‘comfort’ can be understood as states, performances, landscapes, and conditions that constantly shape our understandings of the world around us – they all influence the ways in which we inhabit, and make space in it.

➟ Within this world, ‘home’ is a locus of various dimensions of living practices. On the one hand home is a space of production of work, experiencing exhaustion and fatigue, and resting of the (tired) bodies. On the other hand home stands for ideas and forms of inhabiting the world. In short, home can be seen as a landscape where exhaustion and comfort are entangled together.

➞ The collective project Fictioning Comfort includes works that take an urgent socio-political stance by fictioning ideas and practices of ‘comfort’. This is done by way of spatial installation, body performance, historical research, science fiction, image making, resource redistribution, extending kinships, and humor.

➛ ➜ ➔ ➝ ➞ ➟ ➠ ➧ ➨ The offline part of Fictioning Comfort is on view at MAMA's Showroom until 13 September, 2020.

— WORKNOT! / Golnar Abbasi and Arvand Pourabbasi*

*A Note on Working During a Pandemic Crisis

While creating and producing this project, our homes have acted as sites for production, rest, and rethinking comfort. We have sat in our rooms, gradually sinking into the fiction of ‘being at home’ in the world, and attempting to extend beyond it.

The presentation of Fictioning Comfort is in thoughtful correspondence with the circumstances of our world today during the pandemic crisis. Together, we have rethought the urgency of art production and distribution; especially in light of the so-called ‘New Norm’ rising around the world as well as in the Netherlands. And we have experimented with ways of producing a show that attempts to avoid, as much as possible, the exhaustion of bodies, spaces, and resources. We think about comfort as a verb. Fictioning Comfort respects, appreciates and understands slowness, doubt, and precariousness.


➨ Van levende lichamen tot landmassa’s en zelfs op lanetaire schaal: onze wereld is doordrenkt van processen en relaties die uitputten. We aanbidden het produceren, maar zien de uitputting en vermoeidheid die hierop volgt over het hoofd. De sociale en politieke druk om continu productief te zijn heeft een prijs: een nooit aflatende stroom werk én overproductie, met als resultaat de consumptie van gevoelige lichamen en allerlei andere middelen.

➧ Naast deze voortdurende uitputting als gevolg van (over)productiviteit, is uitputting ook een gevolg van onrechtvaardige sociaal-politieke en economische structuren die productiviteit altijd bovenaan plaatsen. Het is om deze redenen dat ideeën en gebruiken rondom ‘comfort’ cruciaal zijn bij het verbeelden van een alternatieve toekomst. Wij voelen de behoefte om het begrip comfort te verkennen op een manier die verder gaat dan kunstmatige (kapitalistische) ideeën; comfort is meer dan alleen een herstelproces met als doel het behouden van een bepaald productiviteitsniveau. Het verbeelden van andere opvattingen over comfort betekent het verbeelden van andere sociopolitieke leefregels en manieren om ons tot de wereld te verhouden; het is een handeling met politieke urgentie.

➠ Zowel uitputting als comfort kunnen begrepen worden als toestanden, performatieve handelingen, landschappen en condities die ons begrip van de wereld voortdurend vormen – ze beïnvloeden de manier waarop we leven en onze leefomgeving vormgeven.

➟ Binnen deze omgeving vormt ‘thuis’ de plek waar verschillende vormen van leven samenkomen. Enerzijds vormt het thuis een ruimte voor de productie van werk en de rust van (vermoeide) lichamen. Aan de andere kant staat thuis voor ideeën en manieren om je tot de wereld te verhouden. Kortom, thuis kan worden gezien als een omgeving waar uitputting en comfort met elkaar vervlochten zijn.

➞ Het collectieve project Fictioning Comfort bevat werken die een maatschappijkritische positie innemen door ‘fictioning’ (de handeling van verbeelden en uitbeelden) in relatie te brengen met verschillende gebruiken rondom ‘comfort’. Er wordt gebruik gemaakt van verschillende media, waaronder ruimtelijke installaties, performance, historisch onderzoek, science fiction, beeldproductie, de herverdeling van middelen, het aangaan van nieuwe verwantschappen en humor.

➛ ➜ ➔ ➝ ➞ ➟ ➠ ➧ ➨ Het offline gedeelte van Fictioning Comfort is te bezoeken in MAMA Showroom tot September 13, 2020.

— WORKNOT! / Golnar Abbasi en Arvand Pourabbasi*

*A Note on Working During a Pandemic Crisis

Tijdens de totstandkoming van dit project dienden onze huizen als plekken voor productie, rust en het nadenken over de betekenis van ‘comfort’. We zaten in onze kamers, waar we geleidelijk wegzakten in de fictie van het ‘thuis zijn’ in de wereld terwijl we probeerden naar buiten te reiken.

De presentatie van Fictioning Comfort sluit goed aan bij de actuele situatie van een globale pandemie. Gezamenlijk met kunstenaars hebben we de urgentie van kunstproductie en distributie verkend, vooral in het licht van het zogenaamde ‘nieuwe normaal’ dat zowel in Nederland als daarbuiten in opkomst is. En we hebben geëxperimenteerd met manieren om een tentoonstelling te produceren waarbij zoveel mogelijk wordt voorkomen dat lichamen, ruimtes en middelen uitgeput raken. We beschouwen comfort als een werkwoord. Fictioning Comfort respecteert, waardeert en begrijpt noties van traagheid, twijfel en onzekerheid.

Desire digests what moves it
Eyn Eyn Eyn Stories
So Many Diamonds, So Little Time
Comfort People Safety Curtain
Pocket Book Series
Parable of sugar:
By the waters of Babylon
anonymous(?) correspondence bike messenger round project roffa

1st round 9 June Tuesday

Drop (All): Introduction envelope, containing two articles, a drawing, an introduction and orange blossom leaves, from G and A

G & A

Not home, delivered

19:40 -21:00ish
Gave address of S
Cushions on Friday?

Home, no chat

Home, quick chat
‘Tell C I’ll be over in 15-20 min’

Proposed to stop by F , gives address
Shares coconut water

~ 30 minute delay for ferry ~

Added: F
22:10 - 22:20
Pick: zine from WK collective

H, Y
Home, no chat

Not home, delivered

Home, quick chat

Not home, delivered

N , P
Not home, delivered

Y was there, envelope given, shared wine
P: Three of us produced together 5 care packages (one for G and A, one for F, one for C, others TBD)
P: Y gave clay cigarette holder to be given to A

Not home, delivered (did not attempt bell)

Extra + > went to S : )
Extra + > went to F : )

2nd round 12 June Friday

~ O walked in on T while photographing Care Packages from A and commented “woowww so we're running out of toilet paper and you’re up here drawing on them all…”
O was given 1 Care Package.

Drop (All): Envelope with zine, drawing and sheet, from G and A
Drop (partial): Be messenger zine from T
Bag: Zine (F for Whoever)

G & A
Drop: 1 Care Package from A
T tensioned chain before leaving

S Forgot to drop envelope, re-do Tue

^^^ N
Not home, delivered to housemate

Gave nuts and cranberries in tupperware, insisted i keep
D: T Zine
D: 1 Care Package from A

asked where zine should go, said wherever
D: 1 Care Package from A

Y, H
21:30 - 22:30
A also there, we share tea. Suggested a walk to find snails in the park. Person on street asked if we lost something, Y attempted to describe Snails with their body. Person said we had to look in trees. We found 3 snails by the bushes instead and put inside tupperware from C
D: T Zine (2)
P: Snails (for whoever accepts)
P: Drawing and duck in envelope (H for next)
P: Drawing roll (Y for whoever) - Also gave roll to hold in
P: 5 drawing notes (A for whoever, 3 snails note for an Iranian)
Suggestion to add A

22:40 - 00:00
Pouring rain as soon as inside, T is also there. Snails refused.
D: T Zine
D: cigarette holder from Y “No Message”
D: 2 drawing letters (A)
P: Joint (S)
P: Condom (C)
P: Whiteout (TBD)
P: Bow (TBD)
P: Tape (S)
P: Binders (G & A)
P: Green pencil sharpener (A)
P: iPhone finger holder (Y)
P: Rubber hand (M)
P: Red pencil sharpener (S)

~ still pouring rain
S not home, brother answers door. Snails refused.
D: T Zine
D: Joint (A)
D: Pencil sharpener shaped like gun (A)

~ still pouring rain
S asleep, housemate A shouts from upstairs window, offers beer. Snails refused.
D: Drawing roll (Y)
D: Tape (A)

~ was at Y and Hs

N , P
~ still pouring rain, cycling while drinking beer from A
00:20 - 1:35
Snails accepted with enthusiasm, and are fed. Snails begin to have sex? Make shift terrarium conceptulized. Beers are shared.
D: 3 live snails, and tupperware (Y, A, C)
D: T Zine
D: 1 Drawing letter of 3 snails (A, for Iranian)
D: 1 Care Package from A
P: Shells from Hormuz (N)
P: Ceramics (P)

Return to DISPATCH
1:45 - 3:30
A is asleep. T and G share pizza and wine.
D: Cushion (M) - note was lost
D: 1 Drawing letter (A)

~ fell asleep, delivered the following evening
22:00 - 2:00
Beers shared.
D: T Zine
D: Zine (F)
P: Instructions pamphlet (M- T suggested)
P: Poems from exhausted Shenzen worker (A) - needs yellow paper to print, agreed to D: paper, pick copy of zine

3rd round 16 June Tuesday

Print: 8 Messenger zines (1 T, 1 S, 6 Cycle)
In Bag:
Drawing and rubber duck (H) -> M
Whiteout (A) -> A
Bow (A)
Drawing letter (2) (A)
Post it note (Unknown)

Drop (All): Envelope with two zines

G & A
D: Binders (A)
P: Yellow paper (A)

D: Yellow paper (Dispatch) — did not need actually
P: Zine (A)
P: Zine (T) + 1 extra (archive)
P: Scan of instruction pamphlet (archive)
T had flat tire, borrowed pump from A to inflate

C was there, we all chatted
P: Cushions (all 20)
P: cushions prompt (put into roll from Y)
P: baked bread with pattern and note (G and A)
D: Instructions pamplet (A)
D: Rubber hand (A)
D: Drawing and rubber duck (H)
D: Mashi Sage (A)
D: Yellow papers (Dispatch)
PN: cushions (2) for post

D: T Zine
not home
DN: cushion

D: cushion (grey)
D: T Zine

D: cushion (blue)
D: T Zine (2)
Home, brief chat

P: mini single serve coffee, with filter (T)
P: silk chop sticks covers (A)
D: cushion (pink)
D: Condom (A)
was on skype with M, M introduced to T

D: Cushion (orange)
D: T Zine

Y, H
Neither home, but A is there, and is the person who was suggested to be added— brief chat
D: extra envelope
D: cushions (grey & green/grey)
P: clay spoon, with instruction "give to a woman, no actually, give to a MAN"

D: Zine (A)
D: silk chop stick covers (C)
D: cushion (blue)
PN: Patches
T shows A hole in bottom of shorts which A will custom make a patch for
A and T shout goodbye to T from their window as T cycles away

S again not home, but brother is there— brief chat, and gifts T a beer for the road
D: cushion (pink)
P: Letter and envelope (G and A)

Not home
D: T Zine
DN: cushion

N , P
D: cushions (green/grey & grey)
D: clay spoon (A, given to P)
PN: peices of broken cermaic plate
2 snails have been released into the park after P had observed that they had a conflict with each other, 1 snail has escaped and is somewhere still to be found within the apartment
shared tea

Y was there, beers shared
D: phone ring (A, for Y)
P: medical face masks (5, from Y for whomever— envelope must be returned to A)
P: 5 bags of seeds with farsi descriptions (from A, for whomever appreciates plants)
P: Two spindles thread (A, from A)
D: Green pencil sharpener (A for A)
D: cushion (pink)

D: cushion (blue)
1:00 - A asleep, someone working in publication studio, T knocks on window to motion to leave cushion for A. Person slightly started, but takes cushion and envelope to leave on table.
(Next day Y assumes cushion was left for her, clarification made via T and M)

1:15- very late return, drop and go
D: Bread (M)
D: Letter (S)
P: homemade Roti (T, from A)

4th round 19 June Friday

~ canceled due to sickness and exhaustion ~

5th round 23 June Tuesday

In Bag:
5 bags of seeds (A for whomever)
5 medical masks (Y for whomever)
1 note (A)
~ cushions rotation ~
Fresh cut herbs, Sage, Rosemary, Mint (From T for whomever)
tea pack (Dispatch: 14 - anyone)
plant roots (Dispatch: 8 anyone)

G & A
D: herbs
D: seeds
P: zine and note (G for S)
P: extra herbs

6:10 - 6:35
ventured in shared rear garden to find some herbs
D: 1 plant root, 1 tea, 1 seed, 1 herb
P: 5 mint, 1 edible flower, 4 fresh raspberries
P: book on Taoism, in Greek (with note inside that 'sender does not necessarily agree with contents'

* Z
quick chat in street
D: extra envelope
D: 2 herbs

A (away)
D: 1 herb (via briefbox)
D: Greek book on Taoism (A, via Y)

N , P
quick chat in doorway, with N
D: 1 raspberry, 1 herb, 1 tea

* S & J (avail after 6)
Both were eating at sushi restaurant on West Blaak— sushi rolls shared
D: extra envelope and messenger zine
D: zine and note (G)
D: 2 herbs

brief chat and introduction in doorway
D: previous envelope
D: cushion and letter (M)
D: 1 plant root, 1 raspberry, 1 herb, 1 tea
P: 2 plumbs, 1 mango for 'whoever is hungry or looks like they could use some sugar'

Not home
D: Cushion (via envelope, briefbox)
D: 1 herb (via briefbox)

* O
Bumped into O and housemates on their corner
D: previous extra envelope
D: 1 plumb
D: 2 herbs

15 min chat~
shared Magnum ice cream and Fanta
D: Bow (A)(Because S deserved it after sharing ice cream on hot day)
D: purple plant(G&A)
D: 1 Herb, 1 tea, 1 seed

Not home
D: Thread (A) (via Briefbox)
D: 1 herb, 1 tea (via Briefbox)

Y, H, A
40 min chat?
shared cold water with icecubes
D: 2 tea, 2 herb, 2 plant root, 1 flower
D: 1 plumb
D: book for A (to Y, from A)
P: small plant (G and A, from Y)
P: Letter (H, for next person)
PN: extra envelopes H

brief chat in doorway
D: 1 herb, 1 tea
medical masks declined
plant roots declined
D: 1 mango
P: window exhibition flyers (4) (don't fold)

brief chat in doorway
D: 1 tea, 1 herb, 1 plant root
D: medical mask (hidden in envelope)
PN: drawings (small)

Not home, housemate answered
D: 1 tea, 1 herb
D: medical mask (hidden in envelope)

Not home
D: previous envelope
D: 1 herb (via briefbox)
D: medical mask (hidden in envelope)

D: 1 tea, 1 herb, 1 seed
D: note (A)
D: green plant (G&A)
D: medical mask (hidden in envelope)
P: plant (M)
P: pearl bracelet and tea (A)
P: zines (8, for people involved in exhibition)
P: stickers and envelope (G and A)
gives tea bag to T
* would prefer not to participate in cushion rotation, retains possession of pink cushion *

Messenger ran a red at Masshaven in front of a cop, chased down and ticketed. Messenger claimed to not know Dutch laws, was not successful.

Not home
D: Cushion and letter (via Briefbox)
D: 1 herb, 1 tea (via Briefbox)
D: medical mask (hidden in envelope)

M (avail 11-12pm)
11:20 - 12:45
shared beers
D: Plant (C)
D: 1 tea, 1 herb, 2 plant root
D: medical mask (hidden in envelope)
M informed of C preference in regards to cushion rotation
PN: Letter (for C)
Messenger forgets plant (from Y to G&A) at Ms

MESSENGER too late to return to DISPATCH for drops

6th round 26 June Friday

* * A and G join Messenger for round * *

In Bag:
Plant roots (but turns out to be dead)
Window exhibition flyers (4)
rounds envelope (for all)

G & A
cheers to whiskey
T suggests to join for cycle, enthusiastic agreement
D: stickers and envelope (C)

N Not home, A suggests that its just her bell which hasn't been working this whole Te and suggests to knock instead

wait until M returns from market
shared tea, cookies, cold water, watched cushions films for exhibition
group photo
P: plants (but they turn out to be dead)
P: extra envelopes for C (not yet delivered)
P: letter (C)
M gives Cs address

Not home

To catch up Messenger(s) split up Charlois drops, envelopes passed while in-route

Drop by G, Not home

Drop by A, Not home
D: previous extra envelopes

Drop by T, Not home
D: cushions plus letter (via Briefbox)
Not home, A called, C is at cafe with S at Pleinweg 62
C and S are having beers with R(?) and another friend, invite us to join— bar overrun with loud, obnoxious white rednecks who continually tell us we are in the wrong place (with our bicycles), and who seem to be getting louder. Messenger(s) decide they would rather not stay.
D: zine (C, for S)
D: letter (M, for C)

brief chat on street
P: more window exhibition flyers (3, 7 total)

shared tea and cold water
Y teaches everyone Farsi
D: zine (C, for Y)
P: newspaper cushions (M)
D: extra blank envelopes (H)
P: letter for next person (H)
P: unglazed small pot (A, for a woman)
P: Grass seeds (Y)
D: window exhibition
PN: extra envelopes

begins light rain, thunder

Not home
D: zine (C) (via Briefbox)
D: pearls and tea (C) (via Briefbox)

Saw already at Pleinweg
D: zine (C)

Encountered A on street, S through window, brief chat
D: zine (C)
D: letter (H)
D: Grass seeds (Y)

Too late to ring (11:30)
D: window exhibition

Messenger(s) stop for beers and snacks at avondwinkel at corner of s'Gravensdijk and West Kruiskade, for the road

N , P
Lights off, decide not to ring
Messenger(s) drink beers and eat chips outside apartment on corner (12:00-12:30)
Messenger(s) rant against joint disgruntledness with white squattors, art institutions, architects, gentrifying 'housing cooperatives' and so-called 'makers and doers' (it will be noted that most conversations should be left out of the logbook, but this shall be an exception)
D: window exhibition (with note)

Messenger(s) arrive during, and interupt, end of a (bad) film screening in Publication Studio. It is discovered that C, who is making the exhibition website, lives with A. C will be added to the cycle. Y passes by and cushion confusion is reconciled. Beers and snacks shared among all the housemates in threshold of Publication Studio.
D: pottery cup (A)
D: window exhibition (F)
P: hand folded paper book cover (to be put over a book and returned)

Messenger(s) return to DISPATCH to make a dinner (no cultural appropriation this Te?) (its not just 'moroccan shakshouka')

7th round 30 June Tuesday

In Bag:
window exhibition (F, 4)
cushions rotation
rounds envelope (for all)

G & A
T finishes their lunch
P messaged that he will have tiles and that we should print out his prompts and bring to him
p: print-outs (P)
prints were re-printed to fix typo
G and A begin skype meeting with C about website for exhibition, T waves hello and says they will see C in a few minutes

6:05 - 6:35
T arrives to the other side of the skype meeting screen, and this time waves to G and A
shared tea with A
d: cushion (C)

d: zine from last round that M thought Y should have (left with housemate who answered door)

A (away)
d: zine (C) (via Briefbox)
d: returned first envelope which Y had borrowed to distribute medical masks (via Briefbox)

6:40 - 8:30
d: print outs (Dispatch)
p: Tiles (11, for half cycle, then rotate)

C and G
8:40 - 9:30
d: extra envelope
d: cushions (orange one)
d: window exhibition (F)

Not home

brief chat (A)
T gave address of Doe Het Zelf Werkplaats
d: Tile
no cushion rotation

Not home

d: Tile
A shares amazing left overs from a uyghurian restaurant on west kruiskade
PN: fabric placemat, collaborative map of food places

- heavy rain -

brief chat in stairwell, exchange of cushions (A)
d: Tiles (3)

not home

not home (too late to buzz)
d: window exhibition (via briefbox)

not home (too late to buzz)

not home (too late to buzz)
d: Tile (via briefbox, with bubble wrap)

not home (too late to buzz)

not home (too late to buzz)
d: Tile (via briefbox, with bubble wrap), made loud sound when dropping, found out later it startled C and thought there was a breakin, until seeing T cycle away. (Next day C finds big bouqet outside and emails dispatch to discern whats up— turns out it was the next door neighbor.)
d: window exhibition (via briefbox)

Messenger gets flat tire returning from Charlois, as rain slows, changes tube on street, hand pump not working, struggles to get inflated enough, but eventually manages

not home (already asleep)
d: Tile (via briefbox, with bubble wrap), concerned that tile broke from the high briefbox height, in fact did break, M will attempt to glue

not home (too late to buzz)

8th round 3 July Friday

In Bag:
Book with cover (A, T)
rounds envelope (for all, given)

G & A
G at bank, printer broken, only notebooks of scrap paper today, and a digital monk zine

Messenger stops to buy a sandwhich

green tea, T eats lunch
D+p: additional trace to book cover fold
p: newspaper book cover

Messenger sees fellow messenger J on other side of Willemsburg, messenger greeting.
Messenger gets flat tire as approaching Poortgebouw

d: extra envelope
p: electronic board (will run motor if fixed, not sure whats broken)
Running short on time, M offers T to borrow his Bike. T accepts and brings their own wheel with them to patch at M's, clipped to bag

cushions rotation— not home, not completed

Y there, all shared the good wine. Y helps T attempt to pump up new tube— hand pump really doesnt work anymore, and tube is now fixed but remains flat
heated debate over which buffy character is more dangerous/misogonist, xander or oz
d: newspaper cushions (Y)
p: note (A)
D+p: additional trace to book cover fold
attempts to glue tile not successful
DN: super glue

cushions rotation— not home, not completed

cushions rotation— not home, not completed

(not home)

T bumps into G who also lives in the Woonstad housing zone— G explains setup to T and these subtle forms of gentrification

Messenger offered pump to inflate tire still attatched via clips to sling bag, tire inflates properly
cushions rotation
d: book fold envelope
PN: book fold envelope (with new trace)
C gifts Messenger watermelon drink with basil seeds (to be chilled) and sweet mango slices. C shows bouquet that was left from the neighbor, now spread across three vases in three rooms.
p: envelope (G and A)

Messenger returns to Poortgebouw to return M his Bike and reattatch own wheel to own Bike

Messenger given glass of fruit juice and stroompwafel. Go down together to garden to get herbs and see workshop under construction, M is there too.
p: smelly envelope (G and A)
cushions rotation
d: newspaper book cover (A)

not home

Messenger uses toilet
S gifts T het financieeledagblad from 2016 with an advertisement on page 13 which reads "all that is solid melts into air & air can be traded at any price."
cushions rotation

23:20 brief chat
d: electronic board (if cannot fix will give to varia)
p: Neoism zines (1, with 2 more inside)
cushions rotation next time

nice hot tea
p: ceramic nose (for richest person in cycle, from A)
p: Tiles (3)
p: Note (Y for G and A)
p: envelope (for next person, H)
PN: socks from Hs shrine of his ex-girlfriends left behind clothes
A (not home)
d: note (M)

Messenger got another flat tire just as approaching, had to find hole and patch. P lent hand pump which worked, and w5 wipes to clean away glue.

Nextra evening: (Saturday)
G & A
d: envelope (Y)
d: envelope (W)

Luik Huis
d: rounds notebook, with note (T)

A (away)
d: rounds notebook

9th round 8 July Tuesday

In Bag:
Book with cover (A, T)
rolls stencil (A)
tiles (P)
cushions rotation (M)
ceramic nose (A, for richest people)
neoism zines (2, F)
carpet template (for show only, A)

G & A
printer broken, no envelopes, so improvise with wallpaper rolls A made before, 1 meter for everyone, 1,5m for the special people
rolls fit in bag and not in tube, its sad that tube is not used
-- improvised addition of persian carpet tiles, for show only, A gives explanation of paradise to T
carpet tiles fit in the tube
d: envelope (C)

+ C
d: tile (2)
gift: mask (for T from A)
d: sheets (2)
cushion rotation
pn: mirror peices
-carpet tile performance
A messages to ask if T explained paradise properly
C shared a textile from her grandmother (i think)

- 10 minute delay, bridge up at noordereiland -
- T tells A to send a voice recording to explain paradise-

Y is there, shares number of N
T and M glue back together the broken tile with glue T brought. They also glue some of
M's broken spoons.
p: tile
d: roll (2)
p: sheets on love and rage (20)
As voice message explaining carpet tiles is received and played aloud
-carpet tile performance

Not home, attempted to whatsapp, no response
d: Roll
d: sheet (M)

d: roll
d: tile
p: note (for anyone)
shared wine
_carpet tile performance, on steps, covid precaution
F draws while audio plays

not home
d: tile (briefbox)
d: roll
d: sheet

d: sheet (2)
d: tile
(forgot to drop the nose)
p: book cover
shared wine or something i think?
-carpet tile performance

d: neoism zine
d: 2 rolls
d: sheet
p: tile
-book cover
-carpet tile performance
p: maria taniguchi roll
shared wine or beers or both?
neighbors cat came inside with us
we eat some snacks too, im almost sure of it...

not home
p: tile (left outside, picture sent)
d: roll
d: sheet

d: roll (3)
d: sheets (2)
d: book cover
pn: book cover (Y)
-carpet tile performance Y wakes up H to see the performance
-carpet tile performance restarted
p: garlic clove leaf lamp (Y)
p: envelope (Y)
p: envelope (for next person, H)
dn: big envelope (H)

- wayy too late to finish the rest of the round --

10th round 10 July Friday

in bag:
zine sheets (M, 12ish)
tile rotation
cushion rotation

visit to dispatch ommitted-- dispatch busy and printer still broken
manifest is entirely hand written

- messenger gets nasi to go --

intervention: C and G
T eats nasi while chatting
messenger forgot carpet tiles
d: roll (2)
p: cushion
d: sheet (M)

- messenger goes home to retrieve carpet tiles -

(P not home)
-carpet tile performance
d: roll (2)
d: sheet (M)
d: letter (H)
p: moldy food and zines (for everyone)
N shows her own asymetrical carpet from nomadic weavers in iran
snails still missing in the house
N helps T load the very big box on their front rack

cindy was afraid of T's shoes
d: mold tomato + zine
d: tile
p: jelly rolls (for the rest of the round)
shared wine

d: garlic lamp (Y)
moldy food politely declined
d: zine (N)
d: love and rage (M)
d: tile
d: jelly roll (N)
p: envelope (for C)
-carpet tile performance
d: roll
shared some juice i think
T eat a jelly roll

not home, no drop

not home
d: note (F)

p: tile
d: sheet (M)
d: moldy cucumber + zine
d: jelly roll
T eat another jelly roll
F shows receipt zine he's working on for de player
pn: receipt zine
F clears space for carpet tile performance
F prepares camera to record carpet tile performance
-carpet tile performance (with recording) (T restarts performance to capture it all on film)
d: envelope (Y)
p: magazine (for anyone, T keeps it)
d: roll

- south siders and remaining northerners will be left for the next round -

intervention: catstraat folx
1:30-who knows
d: remaining jelly rolls
T eat another one
moldy food politely declined
d: roll (for A)
d: sheet (M)
d: neoism zine (F)
they were not super interested in cushions

11th Round July 14 Tuesday

in bag:
cushions rotation
poems (T, for all)
mold food + zine (N for all)
a few more jelly rolls actually
sheets (M)
tiles rotation

Messenger also skips dispatch again, still have plenty to distribute... dispatch busy with exhibition install

Bospolder crew
- 10 minute delay in route on account of delfshaven bridge up for a ship passing -
p: book cover (Y was holding it)
-book cover rec from H
p: letter next person (H)
d: mystery envelope
d: jelly
d: poems (3) (T)
d: sheets (M)
d: moldy cheese + zine
p: thesis zine (Y, for people who like music)(3)
(T kept one zine)

T was also there
moldy food politely declined
d: roll
-carpet tile performance
cushions rotation
d: poems (T)(2)
moldy zine (N)
d: sheet (M)
d: tile
-book cover
d: thesis (Y)
d: letter (H)
p: patches (C, WN, F, Y, P, A, T, M, rest distributed as messenger sees fit)
A and T create map of rotterdam on fabric with fabric markers, to be map of food recomendations
A makes two recomendations

d: thesis (Y)
d: roll
-carpet tile performance
d: poem (T)
d: sheet (M)
d: jelly roll (N)
-food map
-book cover
moldy food politely declined
p: tomato seeds (for anyone)
shared radlers

not home
d: poem (T)
d: sheet (M)
d: roll

intervention: S and J
-book cover
shared tea and chips, and jelly rolls
d: jelly rolls
d: poems (2) (T)
d: tomato seeds (S)
-carpet tiles shown, but too late to get into stories, whatsapped the audio to listen later
d: patch (A)
d: roll
-food map (J)
-book cover (S, 2)
p: postcards (20)
moldy zine (N)

quick drops:
A: poem (T), + whatever
N and P: poem (T), + whatever else, didnt record -- oh and a patch for P

July 17 Friday

-- no round, exhibition opening!!!! --

(d: during prep work, for WN; poems (2, T), sheet (M), postcard (S), patch (A))
(d: envelope for C, from W. C thanked W.)

12th Round July 21 Tuesday

in bag:
envelope (all, dispatch)
moldy food + zine
poems (T)
cushions rotation
tile rotation
book cover
food map
patches (A)

(just G, A not home)

d: moldy plumb and guacamole + zine
--food map (T also added 2)
(returned carpet tiles and remaining rolls)
--book cover
d: tile
keeps pink cushion and gray
p: envelopes

(A on holiday)
d: poem, and envelope (for A)
d: poem (T)
d: sheet (M)
--food map
d: sponge patch (A)
d: mold lemon + zine
d: postcard (S)
p: tile
-keeps pink cushion

T meets baby
T and M make and eat a full dinner, whoops
d: poem (T)
d: moldy zine (N)
d: postcard (S)
d: moldy avocado
--food map
p: paper quote print (25)
d: patch (A)

hears T jostling with the letterbox and invites them up from the Window
cindy still gets upset at T's feet
d: poem (T)
d: print quote (M)
postcard (S)
--food map
(keeps tile)
(and cushion)
shared wine
mold has grown and fallen and regrown

too late to buzz
left moldy food by entrance to door under briefbox
d: poem (T)
d: moldy zine (N)
d: quote print (M)

too late to buzz
d: poem (T)
d: print quote, and rage and love (M)
d: moldy food by doorstep, and zine (N)
d: patch (A)
+ S
d: blue cushion (to keep)

too late to buzz
d: poem (T)
d: postcard (S)
d: print quote, and love and rage (M)
d: patch (A)
d: moldy food and zine by doorstep
d: green gray cushion via breifbox, to keep

too late to buzz
d: ceramic nose (by door, behind planter)(A)
d: poem (T)
d: postcard (S)
d: print quote (M)
d: moldy food and zine by doorstep

too late to buzz (2am?)
d: poem (T)
d: postcard (3)(S)
d: print quote (M)
d: moldy food and zine by doorstep
d: patch (A)

on Thursday?
T passed by Mama to purchase zines from 24 Hr Souvenir Shop,
bumped into F,Fdid not find the moldy food

13th Round July 24 Friday

in bag:
food map
book cover
envelopes (dispatch)
patches (A)
print quotes (M)
saffron drink (chilled) (with copper cups, lined)

saffron drinks shared
d: cushions to mail to M and S (M)
p: sarmad envelope (A)
p: saffron
more saffron drinks shared

(not there, but M was)
saffron drinks shared in threshold
d: print quote (M)
d: postcard (S)
d: envelope
--food map
no book recomendation to give

not home
d: moldy zine (N)
d: print quote (M)
d: envelope

not home, but brother was
brief chat
--food map
d: print quote (M)
d: envelope
d: postcard (S)
no thanks for saffron

d: print quote (M)
d: envelope
d: poem (T)
d: postcard (S)
d: patch (A)
-drank saffron-
p: de player receipt zine (2 rolls, unique photos, cut peices to dist.)
_food map
--book cover
F sent T ripped version of documentary on george maciunas of fluxus and soho gentrification
p: zine (A)
T records documentary ofFsharing receipt rolling techniques

Bospolderplein crew
+Y+H +A
initially not home,
messenger making notes against the wall on manifest,
A arrives, and then immediately followed by H
upstairs Ythen also arrives
d: print quote (M)(3)
d: postcards (3)(S)
d: envelopes (3)
d: patch (Y from A)
gift: patch (from H for T)
p: plant (A, for A)
p: zine (Y)
d: tile
H shows video of his thesis project, snail walking
--drank saffron of course--
-food map

sick, just spoke over intercom, briefly
d: (briefbox) print quote (M)
d: postcard (S)
d: envelope
d: zine (F)
(plant doesnt fit, cant remember what i did with it)

N and P
lights were still on, so Messenger rang
had a guest over
d: envelope
d: print quote (M)
d: zine (Y)
d: postcard (S)
-drank saffron--
shared fried rice and meat, T mixed everything together, eating rapidly
shared tea, and beer
--food map
d: (for guest) envelope, poem, print quote, postcard
--book cover (N)
snail still missing
N and T make a new modly food for A

A feel asleep most likely (2am), will see at dinner party next week

at dinner party, at DISPATCH, the following week:
/w A, Y, M, G, A, T
-- food map, more additions? or did we just look at it
T brings remaining saffron drink, claiming it to be their contribution to the meal
A makes addition to book cover
during the meal T immediately mixes all portions together, on top of the bread
d: (for A), print quote (from M, who sits next to A)
d: (for A), postcard (S)
d: (for A), envelopes
d: (for A), sarmad envelope
d: (for A), modly food (from N)

--- 3 week break for messenger, which we all know will last all of august, actually ---

-- over


anonymous(?) correspondence bike messenger round project roffa